Contents tagged with livestock

9 March 2021

From nutritional requirements to soil types, this page highlights important considerations when deciding which cereal crop to grow for cattle or sheep feed.

9 March 2021

Cereals can provide ruminants with a rich source of energy, in the form of starch, that can, when fed with care, have a positive effect on animal performance.

2 February 2021

A new pilot project has been launched to look at the potential for DNA traceability system through the UK’s complex beef supply chain – with the first samples taken this week.

3 November 2020

This webinar focuses on the livestock sectors, and we will hear from a range of speakers at AHDB. Ben Williams will talk about SmartPork and the objectives of the project; Kathryn Huson will give an overview of the GrassCheckGB project and AHDB’s grassland management strategy; and Lorna Gow will present on the BVDFree Scheme.

24 November 2020

AHDB is supporting a panel discussion from the British Grassland Society on the environmental and financial aspects to consider when using herbal leys.

27 November 2020

Red meat exporters will have the chance to explore the changes ahead in the way they trade with the EU in the latest of our series of export-focused webinars.

20 November 2020

Agriculture is a significant contributor to UK ammonia emissions, however, there are steps that you can take to reduce emissions on your dairy farm.

22 July 2020

Join AHDB and Dr Luppo Diepenbroek, Independent consultant, for a webinar on outwintering cattle.

30 July 2020

Join AHDB’s Kim Matthews, Head of Animal Breeding and Tim Byrne, Managing Director, and Tom Kirk, Consultant from AbacusBio International Limited, for a webinar looking at the impact of mature size on farm efficiency and profitability.

2 June 2020

GrasscheckGB farmer gives us an update on the continued dry weather situation on-farm

22 May 2020

A webinar run by GrassCheckGB looking at grass reseeding and mixtures
