Contents tagged with export

9 November 2022

Red meat buyers in the all-important US market will have the chance to sample pork from the UK at an AHDB event in Miami

7 November 2022

Pork exporters from the UK recently explored the many potential opportunities in the Chilean market during an outward mission hosted by AHDB.

3 November 2022

Despite challenges over the last few years, export remains critical to the pork sector, and in the first seven months of 2021, shipments, at nearly 225,000 tonnes, had recovered to pre-pandemic levels.

10 October 2022

SIAL Paris returns on Saturday, following two years of lockdowns and international travel restrictions, bringing over 310,000 visitors from more than 200 countries together under the one roof.

7 October 2022

Learn more about the opening up of the US market.

7 October 2022

Find out more about this breaking new story.

3 August 2022

British pork is heading to Chile this month to fulfil the first commercial order since market access was granted earlier this year.

18 August 2022

Non-tariff measures (NTMs) are defined as policy measures, other than ordinary customs tariffs, that can potentially have an economic effect on international trade in goods, changing quantities traded or prices or both

18 August 2022

Charts and infographics showing overall trade between the UK and New Zealand.

2 January 2024

Are UK consumers likely to buy New Zealand produce in our supermarkets and restaurants?

2 August 2022

Join us to find out about some of the key markets for British pork, as well as international events and opportunities that are on the horizon.

16 August 2022

Introduction to the series of articles on the New Zealand trade agreement.
