Contents tagged with export

19 June 2024

For the year to date (Jan-Apr) the UK produced 306, 400 tonnes of pig meat.

13 June 2024

Our export conference outlined global opportunities for UK red meat exporters amid rising demand for animal protein

29 May 2024

In March UK pig meat exports totalled 24,400 tonnes, falling compared to both the previous month and year.

23 May 2024

Q1 dairy trade review: exports mostly flat and imports on the uptick

8 May 2024

EU short term outlook: Subdued global demand will weigh on dairy exports growth

25 April 2024

Help to grow UK dairy exports in the USA has been given a boost with the appointment of a new in-market specialist. 

10 April 2024

EU dairy product availability: supplies tightened in Q4

3 April 2024

Switzerland is a net-importer of food and consumers value quality and sustainable red meat and dairy. With high prices and falling production, this may enable more UK products to be exported, specifically beef and dairy.

2 May 2024

Trade between the UK and Switzerland at a glance

21 March 2024

A drive to help boost British dairy exports following an additional £1m investment from the Government will take shape this year, with AHDB very much at the forefront.

12 March 2024

UK dairy product availability: Mixed picture in Q4 2023

7 March 2024

Eight businesses joined us at FoodEx to help promote British red meat and grow exports.
