Contents tagged with Weekly Market Report

4 March 2020

In the 12 weeks to 26 January, the latest Kantar data shows retail sales of beef and lamb fell in both volume and value terms, compared to a year earlier.

13 July 2021

The USDA has increased its 2020 US pork production forecast to around 13.1m tonnes.

14 July 2021

New Zealand farmgate beef prices have come under pressure as Chinese import demand dropped off.

30 January 2024

EU-28 exports of butter products increased by 35% year on year in 2019, with UK exports up 11%.

30 January 2024

Standard litre and actual milk prices have diverged over recent months, but why?

10 January 2024

The latest results from the early bird survey show that the UK intended planted area for wheat is down 17% on the year.

13 July 2021

Deadweight prices strengthened again in the week ending 22 February.

14 July 2021

Along with trends in total GB cattle numbers, data from the British Cattle Movement Service also shows numbers of individual breeds.

14 July 2021

As at 1 December, the total cattle population in England totalled 5.15 million head.

14 July 2021

The price of cull cows has been following its usual seasonal trend, rising as the demand for manufacturing beef increases in the early part of the year.

30 January 2024

A look at why recent milk price changes have contrasted with the stability seen in Milk Market Value.

13 July 2021

We take a look at the distribution of GB sheep throughputs on the EUROP grid.
