Contents tagged with Weekly Market Report

14 July 2021

It’s been a few months since we released our outlook for beef production in the UK. Let’s now have a look at the first couple of months to see how it’s faring.

13 July 2021

The total number of breeding ewes recorded in England at the 1 December 2019 was steady year-on-year.

13 July 2021

During the week ending 4 March, the GB OSL liveweight SQQ increased 3.5p, to 238.39p/kg.

13 July 2021

English pig numbers as at 1 December totalled 3.78 million head, 3% more than the previous year.

13 July 2021

Here, we look at how our November production forecast compares with actual numbers over the past few months.

13 July 2021

Spanish pig meat exports in 2019 rose 14% year-on-year.

13 July 2021

The EU-spec SPP remained little changed again in the week ending 29 February, down only 0.06p on the week to average 162.67p/kg.

14 July 2021

GB prime cattle prices were steady in the week ending 29 February.

30 January 2024

The UK trade balance for all dairy products* was positive in volume terms in 2019, with a surplus of 95k tonnes of product.

13 July 2021

Following a difficult third quarter, Canadian pork exports rebounded at the end of last year, as trade with China resumed.

13 July 2021

The ban on Canadian pork exports to China has now been lifted after a four-month period.

13 July 2021

In the 12 weeks to 26 January, the latest Kantar data shows that spending on pig meat* at retail level increased slightly (+1%) compared to the period last year.
