Contents tagged with Weekly Market Report

13 July 2021

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in Britain, and even more so since ‘lockdown’ there has been some concern over kill capacity in Great Britain.

14 July 2021

The largest volume of meat from the carcase, commonly sold at retail, is mince. Although in volume at least 43% of the carcase is minced; in value it only contributes around £780/head* to the overall retail value of the carcase meat.

13 July 2021

During March, the UK lamb kill dropped by 101,600 head year-on-year, to 891,400 head. Ewe kill was back 5%, to 131,900 head.

14 July 2021

UK beef production totalled 82,200 tonnes in March, up 8% year-on-year, according to data from Defra.

13 July 2021

During the week ending 15 April, the GB liveweight OSL SQQ gained 3p, to 216.28p/kg. Prices are once again above previous year levels, although significantly lower than pre-lockdown levels.

30 January 2024

Rabobank has revised its market outlook for the coming year, taking into account the impacts of coronavirus.

13 July 2021

UK pig production in March increased by 11% on the year, supported by higher slaughter.

30 January 2024

The upheaval in dairy markets of the last few weeks calmed slightly this week.

30 January 2024

Falling cream value reduces cream income to a liquid processor to lowest level since May 2016.

30 January 2024

As the European wholesale SMP price continues to fall, could we see sellers turning to intervention in the near future?

13 July 2021

The EU-spec SPP paused in its upward path in the week ending 11 April, averaging 163.63p/kg, 0.26p lower than in the previous week.

13 July 2021

Brazilian pork exports continue their record run in Q1 2020.
