The AHDB Horticulture and Potatoes Archive website, hosted by AHDB

Thursday, 31 March 2022

AHDB Horticulture and Potato content has now been removed from the main AHDB website, following the wind down of both sectors.

A Horticulture and Potato archive website containing the information and data collated by the research, tools and services that AHDB provided to horticulture and potato levy payers (prior to April 2022) has now been established. 

For Horticulture and Potato content, please visit the AHDB Horticulture and Potatoes Archive website, hosted by AHDB. This also includes the Extension of Authorisation for Minor Use (EAMU) programme content. 

Go to AHDB Horticulture and Potatoes Archive website

For more information on the wind down of AHDB Horticulture and Potatoes:

Go to Horticulture and Potatoes activity update

Some cross sector content that relates to AHDB Cereals and Oilseeds is held on this website, such as the Pest Encyclopaedia. 

Go to AHDB Cereals and Oilseeds
