
10 May 2019

To be a successful dry cow feed that doubles up as a calving paddock, standing hay needs careful planning. It should be a quality grass that has been part of the platform rotation and allowed to go to seed.

22 March 2022

All the latest facts and figures from the UK pig industry. From pig numbers to costs of production to imports, exports and consumption.

8 May 2019

Building an effective footbath is an essential part of dairy farm design. Work through the footbath fitness test to see if you can improve your footbath design and use.

29 May 2019

Focus on how to assess soil nutrient status, plan nutrient use and apply nutrients to achieve improved resource efficiency

2 May 2019

Following its success in 2017, the Sheep Breeders’ Round Table event has expanded and will return in November.

29 April 2019

This manual looks at how housing can contribute to a calf's future health, growth and performance.

8 May 2019

Join us for a meeting with Neil Birkett, Fats Specialist at Volac Wilmar, on how to feed and breed cows for milk solids.

26 April 2019

Tough new Clean Air Strategy1 targets are spurring farmers and growers to develop more practices to cut ammonia emissions and reduce the industry’s environmental footprint, further.

8 May 2019

Below average rainfall is triggering UK farmers and growers to adopt water savvy techniques early in the year, to be prepared should another agricultural drought hit.

30 May 2019

This practical event, run by AHDB & MLC Services Ltd, allows you to handle live animals and make your assessment of fat cover and conformation using the EUROP grid. You will then see the same animals on the hook in the chillers and the actual classification so you can compare the assessments made whilst the animals were alive.

29 May 2019

This practical event, run by AHDB & MLC Services Ltd, allows you to handle live animals and make your assessment of fat cover and conformation using the EUROP grid. You will then see the same animals on the hook in the chillers and the actual classification so you can compare the assessments made whilst the animals were alive.

2 May 2019

Join us and KW Alternative Feeds for a series of meetings that challenge the common practices and principles of dairy nutrition.
