
10 February 2020

A technical and business assessment for beef and sheep farmers to fill in, to help understand strengths and weaknesses and compare technical and business performance with similar farms in England.

15 May 2019

Internationally renowned Dr. James Reynolds to speak about the latest welfare science for calves and youngstock

17 June 2019

Internationally renowned Dr. James Reynolds will speak about the latest welfare science as well as sharing his thoughts and experience about farming practices.

13 June 2019

Internationally renowned Dr. James Reynolds will speak about the latest welfare science as well as sharing his thoughts and experience about farming practices.

11 June 2019

Internationally renowned Dr. James Reynolds will speak about the latest welfare science as well as sharing his thoughts and experience about farming practices.

11 July 2019

This practical event, run by AHDB & MLC Services Ltd, allows you to handle live animals and make your assessment of fat cover and conformation using the EUROP grid. You will then see the same animals on the hook in the chillers and the actual classification so you can compare the assessments made whilst the animals were alive.

7 June 2019

Internationally renowned Dr. James Reynolds will speak about the latest welfare science as well as sharing his thoughts and experience about farming practices.

6 June 2019

Join AHDB Beef & Lamb and Ian Norbury for our summer strategic farm meeting at Dairy Farm. We will summarise the key changes made at Dairy Farm and the impact these have had on the farm business over the past two years. We will also explore the key areas of focus for the future.

20 June 2019

Joe Howard will be finishing 260 cattle this summer for the Dovecote Park supply chain. The finishers are a mix of suckler bred Aberdeen Angus and beef crosses from the business’s dairy farm. Historically, Joe has finished his cattle on a 100% forage based diet, however this year, he has implemented a small trial with 30 animals being fed ad lib barley once they had reached 550kg. Joe runs a rotational grazing system and outwinters stock on forage crops.

29 May 2019

Join us for an AHDB Beef & Lamb Strategic Farm meeting hosted by Johnny Haimes at West Sherford Farm in Plymouth. Following on from our winter business management day, this event will provide an update on how marginal gains over the past two years have helped Johnny to produce sustainable beef from forage and improve the profitability of his business.

21 May 2019

This practical event, run by AHDB & MLC Services Ltd, allows you to handle live animals and make your assessment of fat cover and conformation using the EUROP grid. You will then see the same animals on the hook in the chillers and the actual classification so you can compare the assessments made whilst the animals were alive.

13 May 2019

The genetic traits dairy farmers should focus on to increase daily lifetime yields for fat and protein.
