
26 June 2024

Managing ewes correctly throughout the year is vital for generating the highest possible output from any sheep enterprise. Farmbench figures show that the most profitable flocks rear the highest value of lamb per ewe. It is likely that much of this is due to good ewe management.

14 May 2019

Join the industry's experts from around the world to look ahead to the pig industry of tomorrow.

5 June 2019

This training session will cover welfare and euthanasia.

28 May 2019

This training session will cover welfare and euthanasia.

5 June 2019

This session will cover the safe use of veterinary medicines.

23 July 2019

This session will cover the safe use of veterinary medicines.

19 June 2019

This session will cover the safe use of veterinary medicines.

7 May 2019

This session will cover the safe use of veterinary medicines.

25 February 2019

Regional Forum (South): Have your say on the quality and relevance of our work.

29 March 2019

Lloyd & Daphne Holterman of Rosy Lane Holsteins share the essentials for a successful dairy business

28 March 2019

Lloyd & Daphne Holterman of Rosy Lane Holsteins share the essentials for a successful dairy business

27 March 2019

Lloyd & Daphne Holterman of Rosy Lane Holsteins share the essentials for a successful dairy business
