
20 July 2020

The key considerations for drying off cows early such as housing space, group management and nutrition

10 May 2020

Challenge Sheep is a research project to develop best practice for managing replacement ewes and understand the impact of the rearing phase on a ewe’s lifetime performance

7 May 2020

Information from the April 2019 meeting of the Pig Health and Welfare Council and its subgroups

22 May 2024

First generation farmers Rob and Anna Hawke joined the AHDB Beef & Lamb-funded project, Challenge Sheep, when it began in 2017.

22 May 2024

Strategic Farmer, Adrian Coombe, farms with his wife Lyn, and father Peter, at Dupath Farm in Callington, Cornwall.

13 July 2020

Routinely mobility scoring helped Flintshire dairy farmer Rhys Davies reduce lameness across his herd and identify replacements for future breeding.

4 May 2020

Webinar: Sustainable worm control for youngstock

27 April 2020

Top tips for mobility mentors about incorporating the Healthy Feet Programme into their work

27 April 2020

An economic review of the costs of lameness estimated the average lameness event costs in the region of £330.

27 April 2020

Salicylic acid is widely used, especially by hoof trimmers. However, care is required to stay the right side of the law.

20 April 2020

Liver fluke is a parasite that effects the health and welfare of livestock, specifically cattle and sheep. This research investigates whether liver fluke in silage pose a risk to livestock

4 January 2024

How to body condition score cows
