
19 November 2019

Infrastructure is key to setting up a simple paddock system. If you spend time initially in setting up the infrastructure, the movement of cattle and the creation of paddocks will be a lot simpler in the long term.

21 April 2020

This series of web pages can help producers develop a grazing plan for efficient grass-based beef production.

2 September 2019

Challenge Sheep results including body condition scores, lamb eight week weights and weaning weights

1 October 2019

Grazing a spring calving suckler herd

12 September 2019

Grazing spring calving suckler cows

17 August 2023

Do you know how your animals are performing and your costs of production? Collecting records and then analysing them is the best way to understand how your business is performing.

28 May 2019

Join AHDB Beef & Lamb and independent sheep and beef consultant Dr Liz Genever for a workshop looking at soil and grass management to improve animal performance and farm profitability. The workshop will focus on measuring and monitoring grass growth and quality, and the infrastructure required to improve grazing strategies.

30 April 2019

Farmer William Baillie shares his experience of the dairy strategic farm programme

30 April 2019

AHDB is now recruiting an additional person to work with Scottish dairy farmers, after the Scottish Dairy Hub officially moved to NFUS in February.

1 March 2019

Internationally recognised dairy farmers Lloyd and Daphne Holterman will be visiting the UK in March for a series of meetings where they will outline the ‘five non-negotiables of managing the modern dairy cow’.

4 April 2019

Buying in livestock is risky and is the most likely way of introducing a new disease onto your farm. The cost of a disease outbreak can be huge with long lasting effects. There are many potential diseases of concern as this checklist shows.

4 April 2019

Buying in livestock is risky and is the most likely way of introducing a new disease onto your farm. The cost of a disease outbreak can be huge. There are many potential diseases of concern as this checklist shows.
