
19 February 2024

All you need to know about how the Real Welfare scheme can benefit your farm.

1 March 2022

Important information about pig welfare, including Real Welfare, tail biting and environmental enrichment

16 March 2020

This report examines the relative costs of pig meat production up to farmgate level in selected countries (data relates to 2018).

2 March 2021

This report examines the relative costs of pig meat production up to farmgate level in selected countries (data relates to 2019).

11 September 2020

The EU trading situation with China has changed significantly over the past 18 months, in this report we address how this might affect our original analysis.

20 May 2024

Find out how to clip/grind piglets' teeth and when it is appropriate to do so

4 March 2020

There is more data being collected on sheep farms than ever before, but we need to make sure it is being used effectively

4 March 2020

This checklist aims to provide a structured approach to assess a calf rearing system.

19 October 2020

Chasing yield is no longer the biggest priority for a mother and son farming partnership in Essex

28 February 2020

A leaflet produced by Signet services Ltd that will help farmers to record their flock

11 February 2020

Our regular newsletter featuring articles on mastitis, strategic farms, new breeding tools, dairy marketing and more.

29 May 2024

Guidance on the rules and regulations around water use on your farm
