
2 May 2019

Join us and KW Alternative Feeds for a series of meetings that challenge the common practices and principles of dairy nutrition.

1 May 2019

Join us and KW Alternative Feeds for a series of meetings that challenge the common practices and principles of dairy nutrition.

11 February 2020

Digital dermatitis causes lameness in cattle, which as well as the welfare implications, can cost around £99 per case and so reducing the spread is important.

11 April 2019

Antibiotics are a medicine that in most cases should only be used to treat bacterial infections. Over-prescribing and the unnecessary use of antibiotics can increase the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Livestock producers have a responsibility to protect human and animal health by using antibiotics responsibly in order to minimise the risk of antibiotic resistance (AMR).

30 April 2019

Farmer William Baillie shares his experience of the dairy strategic farm programme

30 April 2019

AHDB is now recruiting an additional person to work with Scottish dairy farmers, after the Scottish Dairy Hub officially moved to NFUS in February.

30 January 2020

Poor water quality can negatively affect pig health. To dislodge biofilm and disinfect water systems, a shock treatment with a high concentration of a suitable chemical is recommended.

27 March 2019

The latest data from the Real Welfare scheme shows that the vast majority of pig farms are either addressing welfare issues or already have them under control.

25 March 2019

In the latest blog, Heather Freeguard, an intern in the Pork team, tells us what she's been working on recently.

18 March 2019

In the first four years of the Real Welfare Scheme, over 8 million pigs were individually assessed by specially trained vets to provide a credible, benchmarked level of welfare at both an industry and an individual farm level. This report summarises the findings from the first four years.

18 March 2019

A practical approach to delivering clean water to your pigs

26 February 2020

The Healthy Feet Programme has been developed to help you reduce the number of lame cows on your farm by identifying and applying the right solutions.
