
12 December 2022

A structured way to monitor soil health is being delivered by a five-year research programme.

21 November 2023

Earthworms incorporate organic material into the soil and provide channels for root growth.

4 March 2021

Understanding the importance of carbon in agricultural soils is paramount to meeting environmental goals.

2 March 2021

Understanding the impact of fertilisers and organic materials have on the carbon footprint of your farm is important both in environmental and financial terms.

1 March 2021

This webinar is for levy payers who want to understand more about the carbon cycle and where they fit into it.

16 December 2020

How to measure the size and activity of soil microbial biomass – a key indicator of soil health

11 November 2020

This webinar is part of Agri-Tech Week The Rotations Partnership is a collaboration between industry partners and four research organisations, looking at the impact of rotations on crop yields.

8 September 2020

Learn about the crop-friendly fungi focus of one our PhD studentship projects

20 August 2020

Extreme weather can quickly affect soil conditions and crops. During periods of drought or prolonged rainfall famers and growers often ask AHDB how they should be managing their soils.

15 June 2020

Seven new Monitor Farms join AHDB’s Farm Excellence programme this summer to improve business performance and share best practice.

16 June 2020

This session will explore the elements of soil health and their connection and influence on soil function. Particular focus areas will include the influence of farming practice on soil health as well as biological systems and, in particular, the beneficial aspects and maintenance of balanced soil microbiomes.

7 July 2020

This session will explore the elements of soil health and their connection and influence on soil function. Particular focus areas will include the influence of farming practice on soil health as well as biological systems and, in particular, the beneficial aspects and maintenance of balanced soil microbiomes.
