Farm Excellence

7 October 2021

Join our Cereals & Oilseeds Strategic Farm hosts for a week of online activities based around our themes of managed lower inputs, and building diversity above ground.

29 October 2020

Adrian's event will include updates on his progress, success and plans for the next few months

22 October 2020

Chris' event will include updates on his progress, success and plans for the next few months

15 October 2020

Richard's event will include updates on his progress, success and plans for the next few months

8 October 2020

Neil's event will include updates on his progress, success and plans for the next few months

1 October 2020

Steven's event will include updates on his progress, success and plans for the next few months

6 October 2020

AHDB Beef & Lamb celebrate Farm Excellence programme with month long campaign in October

2 September 2020

We’ve listened to you, our levy payers, and recognise the importance for change.

1 September 2020

Cereals grower Rob Waterston has managed to grow a robust crop of winter wheat using minimal fungicide inputs

26 August 2020

AHDB’s Beef & Lamb team is recruiting for its next host farmers after successes with its current project farms. This year, the team will be welcoming five new Monitor Farms to join its existing 15 Strategic Farms.

2 September 2020

Our next monthly webinar is just two weeks away and will explore techniques that will help drive the agriculture industry forwards with the use of IPM.

8 September 2020

Join representatives from DEFRA, the Department for Trade and Industry and Promar and explore the opportunities for dairy in exporting to the United Arab Emirates
