Farm Excellence

15 July 2021

On-farm event as Richard Tucker shares progress and plans after three years as a strategic dairy farm.

15 June 2021

This webinar explores what to consider when succession planning before retirement or handing over the running of your business to the next generation.

9 December 2021

Strategic farm event to learn about implementing and using selective dry cow therapy with vet James Breen.

11 August 2021

Strategic farm event about making impactful improvements with your herd's fertility.

4 August 2021

Strategic farm event about improving cow flow at milking with vet Owen Atkinson.

27 July 2021

Strategic farm event about how rotational grazing for heifers can aid rumen development and daily liveweight gain.

8 July 2021

Join us for our Penrith Monitor Farm launch and summer farm walk this July.

11 June 2021

Lean management is helping Strategic Dairy Farm hosts, Dylan and Hannah Harries, decrease waste and increase productivity.

11 June 2021

Mae rheoli cynnil yn helpu’r Ffermwyr Llaeth Strategol, Dylan a Hannah Harries i leihau gwastraff a gwella cynhyrchedd.

11 June 2021

See how strategic dairy farm host, Arthur Owen, is maximising value from slurry by upgrading storage and improving its use at Bodysgaw Isa.

9 June 2021

Webinar: A research update from Strategic Cereal Farm Scotland

9 June 2021

Webinar: Meet new Strategic Cereal South Farm host, David Miller
