Strategic Farms

12 December 2019

How to optimise the weaning to calving stage of heifer rearing by utilising data and setting targets.

26 November 2019

Learn about the practical steps you can take to ensure that you can help generate long term financial stability on your farm

21 June 2024

AHDB Monitor Farms bring together groups of like-minded farmers who wish to improve their businesses.

7 October 2019

Once more the Brexit deadline is looming and predicting the result seems more than a little foolhardy. However, I have been trying to imagine what Scottish agriculture will look like in five years’ time, possibly something just as challenging.

27 September 2019

Replicated tramline trial at Strategic Cereal Farm West is looking at the impact of different cultivation strategies

2 October 2019

Join us at South West Dairy day and learn more about the benefits of engaging with our Strategic Farm Programme

9 October 2019

Strategic Farm: Using data to make informed business decisions and drive performance

19 September 2019

Prevention rather than cure should always be the focus of any mastitis management plan, something that will be the focus of the next meeting of AHDB’s Scottish strategic dairy farm on 10 October.

22 October 2019

A practical session helping farm owners and herd managers understand different communication styles to improve their ability to manage and motivate their teams effectively

11 September 2019

Bodysgaw Isa in Denbighshire, North Wales is our third Welsh Strategic Dairy Farm.

10 October 2019

Join William Baillie our Scottish all-year-round (AYR) calving strategic dairy farm where we will be exploring how to make informed choices to improve mastitis control in your herd.

26 November 2019

The results from the trials and demonstrations at Lodge Farm
