Cereals & Oilseeds

15 September 2021

Find out when wheat grows fastest during its life cycle and access management targets.

22 June 2021

EU biofuel supply rules change on 1 July 2021, RED Tractor explains what you need to do to ensure grain stays compliant.

29 June 2021

It is essential to consider the drilling window and how this affects pest pressure – of both CSFB adults and larvae.

4 January 2023

Find out when barley grows fastest during its life cycle and access management targets.

4 January 2023

Canopy size determines the proportion of sunlight intercepted and drives the accumulation of dry matter.

7 July 2021

Join us for our Downpatrick Monitor Farm summer farm walk this month with Richard Orr.

29 June 2021

Join us for our Hale Village Monitor Farm summer farm walk this month with Bil Webb.

15 September 2021

Canopy size determines the proportion of sunlight intercepted and drives the accumulation of dry matter.

4 January 2023

Find out about the sources of nitrogen (N) and the crop growth stages when it is taken up.

15 September 2021

Find out about the sources of nitrogen (N) and the crop growth stages when it is taken up.

15 September 2021

How to ensure crops have well-developed root systems for optimum water and nutrient capture.

8 July 2021

Join us for our Penrith Monitor Farm launch and summer farm walk this July.
