
8 May 2024

Monthly round-up of the key analysis in dairy markets

18 April 2024

Quarterly round up of key dairy market analysis

18 April 2024

Key prospects for British mozzarella

4 March 2024

The final stage of the Welsh Government’s consultation regarding the Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS) is due to close on 07 March 2023. The proposal details the scope of the SFS, the actions involved, and how SFS payments will affect payments from the Basic Payment Scheme.

24 April 2024

Will it really pay to take farmland out of production and capitalise on high paying agri-environment actions? We consider the various considerations and implications at play.

15 April 2024

Calling all exporters: Tell us what guidance you need.

8 February 2024

How will BPS payment reductions impact your farm business?

8 February 2024

Assessing the impact of the Sustainable Farming Incentive on farm businesses

8 February 2024

Agricultural Policy Change: What is in the pipeline?

18 June 2024

Learn what sets the highest-performing farms apart from the rest.

15 February 2024

Join this broadcast with Kirsty Lewis as we discuss why a business is never too small for effective communication.

16 February 2024

Review of recent dairy exports
