Beef & Lamb

6 December 2022

Steven Lawson has expanded the farm from 118 ha to just over 300 ha of mixed ground by renting in the next-door block.

21 October 2022

Exports of fresh/frozen lamb tolled 5,600 tonnes in August, a 3% (200 tonne) decline from July

2 November 2022

According to the latest Defra figures, UK sheep meat production in September totalled 21,400 tonnes, 11% lower than year earlier volumes.

20 October 2022

During August, the UK imported 17,900 tonnes of fresh and frozen beef, up 500 tonnes on July (3%), however back 3,500 tonnes (16%) on August last year.

20 October 2022

Defra’s latest production figures indicate that 73,400 tonnes of beef and veal was produced in September.

20 October 2022

Bryan Griffiths joined the sector council last year to ensure the needs of levy payers are at the heart of the work of AHDB

30 November 2022

Looking at the latest guidance on managing lameness and footrot in your flock

14 October 2022

Dealing with the dry weather of 2022 - a livestock farmer's view

23 November 2022

Alnham Farm has made considerable changes to their business, in particularly moving to an outwintering system.

14 October 2022

A wrap-up of recent GB store sheep and cattle price movements

14 October 2022

Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) have revised their 2022 sheep industry projections upwards.

13 October 2022

The latest EU short-term outlook has been released for the red meat sector.
