Beef & Lamb

17 June 2019

Celebrity chefs transform quality beef and lamb

22 May 2024

Spencer joins with Britmums for beef and lamb promo

1 May 2019

Join AHDB Beef & Lamb and independent sheep and beef consultant Dr Liz Genever for a workshop looking at soil and grass management to improve animal performance and farm profitability. The workshop will focus on measuring and monitoring grass growth and quality, and the infrastructure required to improve grazing strategies.

7 August 2020

Physical information should recorded to paint an accurate picture of the current business position. This will help with many on-farm management decisions, from genetic to feeding choices. Capturing data does not have to be difficult- use this simple record sheet to record physical information about your herd. This data can then be used to benchmark key performance indicators (KPIs).

31 October 2019

Angus Monitor Farm meeting

6 October 2019

Shetland Monitor Farm meeting

25 September 2019

Borders Monitor Farm meeting

11 September 2019

Sutherland Monitor Farm meeting

17 August 2019

Shetland Monitor Farm meeting

31 July 2019

Sutherland Monitor Farm meeting

25 July 2019

Angus Monitor Farm meeting

19 July 2019

Lothians Monitor Farm meeting
