Beef & Lamb

14 July 2021

UK beef and veal production in April 2020 fell 3% on the year to 68,800 tonnes, according to Defra statistics.

13 July 2021

Liveweight sheep prices gained again in the week ending 13 May

14 July 2021

After a sluggish start to the growing season, grass growth has since been more positive.

14 July 2021

During the week ending 9 May, the GB deadweight all prime average increased 0.4p, to £3.24/kg. Economic uncertainty will continue to influence the finished cattle market. This week the government made several announcements, bringing some clarity to working arrangements.

30 January 2024

We take a look at how COVID-19 has affected key input markets.

13 May 2020

Fourth-year results of the RamCompare project reveal how sires with key breeding traits can drive productivity and optimal new sire purchases.

24 September 2020

FMA China is an exhibition and conference on food, meat, aquatic products, dairy products, but also beverages, candies and health food aimed at trade visitors.

10 May 2020

Challenge Sheep is a research project to develop best practice for managing replacement ewes and understand the impact of the rearing phase on a ewe’s lifetime performance

13 July 2021

Finished hogget prices recorded differing movements; liveweight prices were steady to slightly softer, while deadweight prices increased. Demand is likely to be lower overall.

14 July 2021

The COVID-19 outbreak has introduced a great deal of challenges into the dairy market. Some farmers may cull less profitable, or ‘passenger’ cows to reduce costs and milk production. But what could an increase in culling rates look like, and what would be the impact on the beef supply chain?

14 July 2021

In the week ended 2 May, prime cattle prices rose by 1.5p, the all-prime price averaging 323.6p/kg.

8 June 2020

Ten new varieties of ryegrass, two Hybrid and one Timothy have been added to the 2020/2021 Recommended Grass and Clover Lists (RGCL) for England and Wales.
