
8 July 2024

Research confirms that our pork marketing campaigns have successfully shifted consumer perceptions, presenting British pork as a healthy, versatile and affordable meal option

12 July 2024

Our Feed Your Family for Less with British Pork campaign inspires consumers to see British pork as an affordable, tasty and healthy meal choice.

10 July 2024

Consumer lifestyles continue to support the need for convenient food options, with quick simple meals which are ‘easy to prepare’ rising in popularity since the pandemic.

3 July 2024

There has been significant liquidation of sows due to disease outbreaks and financial pressure.

9 July 2024

The practicalities, opportunities and challenges of making agroforestry part of your farm business.

10 July 2024

Agroforestry benefits both the business and the natural environment.

3 July 2024

Nuffield Scholars took part in our International Global Focus programme.

2 July 2024

On 19 June 2024, Defra announced the availability further funds to help tackle endemic diseases.

22 July 2024

How important are seasonal events for pork demand? We explore the opportunities

3 July 2024

The SFI now includes agroforestry actions

26 June 2024

Production costs data and analysis, by sector.
