
30 January 2024

Tight global wheat supply and demand continues to strengthen UK ex-farm feed wheat prices. Ex-farm barley prices have also continued to track wheat gains.

28 October 2021

Mae defnyddio reffractomedr a chitiau profi am sgwrio i reoli sgwrio mewn lloi wedi galluogi’r ffermwyr llaeth yn Sir Benfro, Andrew a Judith Hughes, i ostwng nifer yr achosion blynyddol gymaint â 92% a lleihau costau.

30 January 2024

Reduced trade has impacted on availability of dairy products in the UK

28 October 2021

Using a refractometer and calf scour test kits to manage calf scours has enabled Pembrokeshire dairy farmers Andrew and Judith Hughes to drop annual cases by 92% and reduce costs.

30 January 2024

The UK and New Zealand are striking a trade deal; how could this change dairy trade between the two countries?

10 November 2021

Join our online workshops to find out how to develop the right people with the right skills.

18 November 2021

Join this online workshop to find out how to recruit and retain people within your business.

18 November 2021

Join this online workshop to find out how to recruit and retain people within your business.

26 October 2021

AHDB chief executive Tim Rycroft highlights the positive work taking place at AHDB in preparation for next spring’s votes

24 November 2022

Learn about what the impact of a free trade agreement with Australia may have on UK agriculture.

25 October 2021

The opportunities, challenges and implications of exporting UK dairy products to Australia and New Zealand will be explored in an AHDB webinar next month.

3 April 2024

Chris Coxon from Tiller Farm Consultancy shares his advice and expertise on managing grazing for dairy heifers.
