Unlock your herd’s hidden breeding potential at upcoming workshops

Wednesday, 9 August 2023

We are launching a new dairy breeding and genetics campaign hosting workshops to help farmers access and analyse their dairy herd’s genetic potential.

We will help farmers discover the untapped potential in their herds at 24 on-farm workshops running across the UK from August to November. The workshops are designed for anyone with a milk recorded herd who wants to be more actively involved in their breeding strategy.

Experts will be revealing hidden gems in herd data and each farmer attending will walk away with clear goals and a tailored report aiming to take their breeding decisions to the next level.

Senior Dairy Knowledge Exchange Manager Doreen Anderson said: “Dairy genetics help predict how characteristics such as milk production, increased solids or health and management traits are passed onto the next generation of cows.

“The effect of breeding decisions is cumulative, meaning they build over the generations and have a key role to play in farm profitability.

“AHDB invest over £500,000 each year in genetics and are the independent source for genetic evaluations, breeding indices and analysis for all major UK dairy breeds.

“We’re responsible for gathering UK milk recording data to provide the independent evaluations used by breeding companies, but how many producers are making the most of this data with their herd’s breeding decisions?

“Whether you make your own breeding decisions, work with your team or breeding advisor, this workshop will give you what you need to unlock the hidden breeding potential in your herd.”

Find out more about the workshops and book your place

Read about the new dairy breeding and genetics campaign

Image of staff member Doreen Anderson

Doreen Anderson

Senior Knowledge Exchange Manager - Dairy

See full bio


