New sponsors sought for Pig Industry Scholarship

Monday, 15 May 2023

New sponsors are being sought for the Pig Industry Scholarship Programme, which recruits highly qualified and committed young entrants into the pig industry.

We have been involved with the Pig Industry Scholarship Programme (PISP) since 2012, working alongside the NPA’s Allied Industry Group and Harper Adams University to recruit qualified and committed young entrants into the pig industry.

The programme is open to students with relevant academic interests and different backgrounds, ranging from agriculture to bio-veterinary science, business, engineering, and agri-food and marketing.

For students, the scholarship and one-year placement provide a clear route into the pig industry and showcases the variety of roles and career opportunities available throughout the supply chain; for businesses interested in graduate recruitment, it offers great value for money.

The Harper Adams University Development Trust runs the scholarship process on behalf of employers, making it easy for companies to sponsor and employ high-calibre, proactive students. It offers first access to a large pool of talent and an opportunity to appraise students during, what is effectively, a year-long interview.

The relationships formed between students and businesses early in their studies will hopefully lead to a continued interest and desire to remain in the industry.

Thirty-seven students have taken part in the programme to date, and last year eight companies across the supply chain offered scholarships.

We welcome interest from all areas of the pig industry, and if you are keen to develop and recruit future talent, now is the time to get involved.

The deadline to become a sponsor during 2024–2025 is 31 August 2023 and placements will start in summer 2024.

For more information about PISP and becoming a sponsor, get in touch with Charlotte Evans.

Find out more about the programme

Listen to our podcast: How is the Pig Industry Scholarship Programme developing the next generation?

Watch our webinar exploring how the programme can be useful for recruitment

Image of staff member Charlotte Evans

Charlotte Evans

Head of Engagement (Pork)

See full bio


