Mixed week for GB lamb prices
Thursday, 3 February 2022
The GB liveweight old season lamb (OSL) SQQ rose by nearly 1.5p to average 269.5p/kg in the week ending 2 February.
All weight groups in the GB average saw price gains, with strong trade reported at many centres during the week.
Click here for a more detailed breakdown of liveweight prices
Price strength came as numbers rose. A total of 111,700 lambs were estimated to have been sold through GB auction marts during the week, up 13% from the week before, and up 15% year-on-year.
Cull ewes averaged £88.56/head, down £3.79 from the week before.

On the deadweight front however, prices slipped further. During the week ending 29 January, the OSL SQQ eased by 7.9p to average 577.6p/kg. Despite this, the measure was still 19.2p ahead of the price recorded during the same week a year ago.

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