Happy World Social Media Day

Sunday, 30 June 2024

It's World Social Media Day and, using our Love Pork marketing activity as an example, we wanted to take the opportunity to show you how we use social media to promote and support farming and levy payers.

We love to promote British farming and produce, and social media is a brilliant way to do that because it brings stories directly to people in a way that is immediate, digestible and entertaining. It also means that people can interact with us by sharing and commenting, as well as posting their own recipes and creations.

Just a few ways we use social media to do this include:

  • Telling farmers’ stories
  • Sharing new recipes
  • Working with influencers
  • Promoting value, versatility and health
  • Polls, listicles (articles written in list format) and hashtags

We are working hard to reach demographics not engaging with pork as much as they could be, such as, for example, Gen Z (18–25-year-olds).

Earlier this year we used Instagram for our Love Pork Student Staples campaign, a collaboration with the world's largest food network Tasty UK. It returned with an additional tagline of “Healthy Eats” to help foodie influencers champion the nutrient-rich content of British pork with engaging videos.

Sharing recipes like this is effective because aspiration and inspiration are what social media is all about.

Find out more about our Love Pork social media activity

It is not just pork, or marketing, that gets the social treatment at AHDB. Our small but brilliant social media team manages a lot of different channels, working across all sectors, and a huge range of campaigns and projects.

Follow Love Pork on social media

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Love Pork Facebook
Love Pork Pinterest



