GB dairy population: 2025 marks the lowest on record

Thursday, 6 March 2025

The latest BCMS figures record the GB milking herd at 1.62 million head, as of the 1 January 2025. This is the lowest January month on record and a 0.9% decline compared to the same month the previous year. The total GB herd stood at 2.51 million head, a year-on-year decline of 1.4% and the lowest on record. The average age of a cow in the GB milking herd now stands at 4.51 years, slightly younger than last year’s figures. GB dairy female population

 Looking into different age categories, we saw the greatest change in the youngstock group (<2 years old), which decreased by 22,000 head. All age categories of the GB milking herd saw a decline in numbers, with the exception of 4-6 years category, which increased by 5,000 head. The growth in this category was mostly driven by the calves born in the youngstock boom of 2021 now aging into that category. That boom was related to the increased uptake of sexed semen and finding the balance with heifers put to beef semen.

The latest data also shows the long-term trend of declining number of older cows in the total GB herd. A total loss of over 14,000 came from cows between the ages of 6-8 and over 8 years which was probably due to strong cull cow prices. The younger profile also demonstrates improving genetic potential by prioritising the younger, higher genetic merit cows.

 The declining youngstock numbers could present some difficulties for the sector as fewer young heifers are available to mature into the milking herd which could impact milk output longer term. It may reflect a period where farmers are still refining their heifer replacement strategies with the widespread adoption of sexed semen but is certainly something for the sector to keep an eye on.

Annual change in GB dairy herd


Image of staff member Soumya Behera

Soumya Behera

Senior Analyst (Dairy)

See full bio

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