Current season organic milk deliveries significantly down

Thursday, 23 June 2022

For the season so far (1 April – 11 June) GB organic milk deliveries are estimated to have totalled 101.64 million litres, this is down 7.8% compared to 2021/22, and down 6.2% compared to 2020/21. In the week ending 11 June, deliveries averaged 1.32m litres/day – 11.6% below the same time last year.

Peak day production for 2022 was recorded on 29 April with 1.51m litres collected, this is equivalent to a drop of 0.15m litres compared to the peak day in 2021/22. The 7-day rolling average peaked on 30 April at 1.47m litres.

High input costs have been impacting all GB milk production for some time now, with total GB deliveries running behind year-ago figures since summer 2021, and organic since November. Additionally, some reports suggest that, with many processors sharply increasing their prices this year, some organic farmers may now be selling their milk through non-organic channels.

line graph showing volumes of GB organic milk deliveries

Image of staff member Freya Shuttleworth

Freya Shuttleworth

Senior Analyst (Livestock)

See full bio

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