Article: Introducing Pork Sector Council member, Tim Bradshaw
Tuesday, 30 August 2022
Tim Bradshaw joined the Pork Sector Council in April 2019 and is delighted to be serving another three-year term. He joined the council to represent smaller pig producers like himself. Here we share his background, his thoughts on joining the council and the challenges he believes are facing the sector.
Tim’s background
Tim is a second-generation pig producer who originally worked with his late father and now works with one of his sons building their 750-sow farrow-to-finish indoor production system into a successful family business.
He oversees the selection and loading of slaughter pigs and is also involved with farrowing and serving, working two out of every three weekends.
Joining the Pork Council
“I joined the Pork Sector Council to give a voice to smaller producers and to get involved in pig politics for my own personal knowledge and development.
I take my responsibility as a council member seriously and I hope that here at AHDB, we can serve the industry in the most relevant and cost-effective way going forward.
I have learnt a lot in my time as a member of the council. The biggest thing I have learnt about AHDB is exactly what they can do and what they cannot do. I think many pig producers confuse the roles that the NPA and AHDB play. They are entirely different organisations, but they work together closely.
I am really interested in and impressed by the domestic and export marketing work done by AHDB. This workstream is key and crucial.”

Challenges facing the pork sector
“The immediate challenge facing the pork sector is the risk of African swine fever (ASF) getting into the country.
In addition, we need to secure producers’ rightful place in the supply chain. If producers are required to do things, we must have a return on our investment. We must get our own fair share of investment where it is available.
I will always speak my mind and stand up for the independent smaller producer. With my experience and time in AHDB, I listen to all sides of the argument and I am able to make a balanced judgement.”
AHDB’s sector councils
Our sector councils are the voice of levy payers within AHDB and they ensure we deliver the services that really matter to farm businesses. The councils are responsible for proposing what work needs conducting on behalf of levy payers and making funding decisions about what we deliver.
Council members are ratified by levy payers and serve for a term of three years, with a maximum of two terms.