AHDB to review Dairy Market indicators

Thursday, 12 December 2024

AMPE and MCVE are widely used by industry to help with planning and understanding the current value of milk based on the value of dairy products in British commodity markets.  We have committed to review the indicators every few years to ensure these are up-to-date and accurate as possible, particularly regarding processing costs and yields. 

AHDB have appointed Dr Ken Burgess, a highly experienced dairy technologist, to conduct an independent review.  He will need to speak to a variety of different processors in the sector to compile this review. He would also like to understand views of the market indicators in the sector.

 If you can help, or can point us towards the right person in your organisation to speak to, then please contact:

 Dr Ken Burgess (k.burgess2@btinternet.com) or Susie Stannard (susie.stannard@ahdb.org.uk). 

Image of staff member Susie Stannard

Susie Stannard

Lead Analyst (Dairy)

See full bio

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