Use of vaccines in sheep

Find out more about the uptake of sheep vaccinations across the UK between 2012 and 2022.

Summary points for sheep vaccines

Vaccine sales 

Many factors contribute to fluctuations in vaccine sales, including changes in the dose regimes along with manufacturing and supply issues. Sales from wholesalers do not necessarily equate to use in that year. However, it is still useful in estimating the likely level of protection in the target group.  

The total number of sheep vaccine doses sold, increased by 13.9% between 2012 and 2022. Approximately 37.1 million sheep vaccine doses were sold in 2022. 

RUMA targets aimed for an increase in the use of both footrot and enzootic abortion vaccines. The number of doses of footrot vaccines sold annually rose by 79.8% between 2012 and 2021. In 2022 there was a decrease of 15.8% on the year due to supply shortages of Footvax. The number of doses of vaccines for Enzootic Abortion of Ewes rose by 14.4% between 2012 and 2021. In 2022 uptake decreased by 11.6% on the year, due to supply limitations.

Table 1. Uptake of vaccination (%) for sheep in the UK between 2012–2022

Total sheep and lambs ('000) 32,215 32,856 33,743 33,337 33,943 34,832 33,781 33,580 32,698 35,957 33,066
Clostridial vaccine (%) 61 52 53 62 62 64 68 62 62 63 65
Pasteurellosis vaccine (%)  46 39 39 48 47 49 51 46 46 51 52
Total breeding flock >1yr ('000) 15,229 15,561 16,026 16,024 16,304 16,669 16,286 16,035 15,370 15,624 15,779
Ewes intended for first time breeding ('000) 2,431 2,564 2,511 2,746 2,844 2,907 2,714 2,595 2,552 2,606 2,741
Toxoplasma vaccine (%) 26 22 23 24 25 25 26 26 31 31 20
EAE vaccines (%) 44 33 38 42 40 40 41 43 50 50 44
Total breeding flock >1yr ('000) 15,229 15,561 16,026 16,024 16,304 16,669 16,286 16,035 15,370 15,624 15,779
Rams ('000) 392 432 417 408 409 417 407 412 393 402 390
Footrot vaccine (%) 11 10 11 11 13 15 13 14 16 19 16
Total doses of vaccine sold ('000) 32,582 27,627 29,474 33,420 34,044 35,997 35,780 32,950 32,986 36,677 37,105

Vaccine use analysis 

The analysis includes no estimates about how effectively these vaccines are administered in sheep.   

Alongside other management interventions, the use of vaccinations is an important measure to maintain a healthy national flock, prevent disease and use antibiotics responsibly. With this in mind, it is reassuring that in 2021 the penetration of both enzootic abortion (49.8%) and footrot(19.4%) vaccines increased to the highest level since recording began in 2012. Unfortunatley, supply shortages of both vaccines caused a drop in penetration in 2022.

The estimated proportion of breeding sheep vaccinated for Toxoplasma also dropped, decreasing from 31% in 2021 to 20% in 2022, again as a result of supply shortages.

In 2022, the proportion of all sheep vaccinated for clostridial diseases (65%) and for pasteurellosis (52%) were both above the 2012–2022 average. 

Clostridial vaccines in sheep

Clostridial disease is the most common cause of sudden death of all ages of sheep in the UK. Cheap and highly effective multivalent vaccines are available. 

Find out about clostridial vaccines

Pasteurellosis vaccines in sheep

Pasteurellosis is one of the most common causes of death in growing lambs in Great Britain, despite there being effective vaccines that offer protection against disease. 

Read more about pasteurellosis vaccines

Abortion vaccines in sheep

The control of enzootic abortion was identified as one of three hotspot areas for the reduction of antibiotics in the sheep industry. There are effective abortion vaccines for the three main infectious causes of abortion; the use of these should be discussed with your vet. 

More information on abortion vaccines

Lameness vaccines in sheep

Lameness in sheep flocks is one of the most common and persistent disease problems, with scald, footrot (caused by Dichelobacter nodosus) and contagious ovine digital dermatitis (caused by treponemes) being common infectious causes.

Find out more about lameness vaccines

Useful links

Identify, treat and prevent lameness in your flock

Reducing lameness for better returns

Sheep diseases directory


