Winter’s coming: forage supply and health planning for your flock

Past Event - booking closed

Tuesday, 06 December 2022

10:30am - 2:00pm

Hallington High Farm, Hallington, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland

NE19 2LS

Have you thought about your winter plan for your farm? Are you scratching your head as to where to start? Like most, Steven Lawson intends to plan and ensure he has the tools to intervene when needed.

Join us with Dr Liz Genever, independent beef and sheep consultant, and Lee-Anne Oliver, Director and Veterinary Surgeon of The Fold Farm Vets who has been Steven’s farm vet for over ten years. They will look at planning for winter, looking at forage supply across the farm and health planning including B12 deficiency, fluke testing and general disease screening.

Steven Lawson has been an AHDB Beef & Lamb strategic farmer for Northumberland since 2019. He has expanded the farm from 118 ha to just over 300 ha of mixed ground by renting in the next-door block. During 2021, he bought in more ewes to deal with the expansion and started to contract graze some cattle in the summer.  

Wrap up warm to join our interactive on-farm workshop to cover;

  • Ideas for a flock health intervention plan 2023
  • Disease screening and the value of a post-mortem
  • Advice on managing your forage supply and feed planning

Lunch and hot drinks will be served. This event is aimed at sheep producers, however if you’re interested in cattle then you’re still welcome to join. Bring any questions you have about your farm to the workshop and ask our experts. If you have any queries about this event, please get in touch with your local Knowledge Exchange Manager in the North, Emily Symonds and she’ll be happy to help. Email: or call 07964 243699.



If you have any questions about this event, please contact us using the details below.


T 07964 243699
