Gloucestershire B&L Strategic Farm: Project successes, future plans and farewells

Past Event - booking closed

Thursday, 07 July 2022

11:00am - 4:00pm

Manor Farm, Middle Duntisbourne, Cirencester, Gloucestershire


David Barton is always looking for new ways to improve his suckler beef production so joined AHDB’s Farm Excellence project as a Beef and Lamb Strategic Farmer in 2017. David brings over 35 years of experience to the Strategic Farm project from his time running the 103 ha farm in Gloucestershire.

The thin Cotswold brash farm consists of 60 ha of arable land, alongside a herd of Saler X Sussex homebred cows with youngstock taken through to finish. David used to describe himself as an arable farmer with beef animals but is now a self-professed beef farmer with an environmental focus having worked with AHDB.

David has accomplished numerous marginal gains whilst being a Strategic Farmer but the main changes David has made over the past four years have focused on getting the most from forage. As David’s Strategic Farm project comes to a close, this final farm meeting will provide the opportunity for farmers and industry to learn more about David’s experience and progress. 

The event will include a farm walk and discussion on topics such as:

  • Introducing a rotational grazing system to improve grass quality and quantity
  • Improving cattle growth rates by focusing on nutrition
  • Making changes to the cattle handling system to improve safety and usability by repurposing existing materials and utilising grants available 

Assisting David, there will also be a great line-up of speakers at the event including:

  • Helen Ovens of ADAS who has provided David with consultancy throughout the project
  • Marc Jones of ADAS who has worked with David on grassland management
  • Pete Kelly of Kelly Farm Consulting who advised David on ruminant nutrition
  • Miriam Parker of Livestockwise Ltd who worked with David to improve cattle handling 


Agenda and timings:

11:00am Registration and refreshments

11:30am Welcome and plans for the day

4:00 pm Event summary and close


Lunch and refreshments will be served so please advise us of any special dietary requirements.

We look forward to welcoming you to the event. You can register for your free place by booking online, emailing or calling 01904 771218. Attendees must be over 16 years of age and suitable footwear must be worn.



If you have any questions about this event, please contact us using the details below.


T 01904 771218
