Contents tagged with soil

13 October 2023

Read about the Defra/WRAP funded project on the use of digestate and compost in agriculture

1 December 2023

Discover different types of organic matter that can be added to soil and understand the varying impacts they can have.

13 October 2023

What is organic matter and why is it important?

13 October 2023

See how to perform a ribbon text to assess moisture content before cultivation.

13 October 2023

Poorly structured soils reduce water infiltration and can lead to erosion.

13 October 2023

Find out why pore spaces between soil aggregates are the most important part of soil structure.

13 October 2023

Soil structure is the architecture of the soil.

13 October 2023

Learn about the geology of soil, including soil depth, stoniness, mineralogy, and texture.

12 December 2022

A structured way to monitor soil health is being delivered by a five-year research programme.

14 July 2021

AHDB supported a panel discussion with the British Grassland Society on practical advice for establishing herbal leys in 2021 and beyond.

14 July 2021

A discussion on the impact of herbal leys on animal performance and soil health as well as sharing their experience of establishment and management.

15 September 2021

How to ensure crops have well-developed root systems for optimum water and nutrient capture.
