Contents tagged with farmbench
19 October 2023
If you want to improve farm profitability, put benchmarking at the top of your to-do list.
18 January 2024
Cover crops, Countryside Stewardship, and failed crops guidance.
25 November 2022
Impact of rising costs on Farmbench results
11 May 2022
We use Farmbench data to demonstrate how it can pay to cut nitrogen.
19 October 2020
Chasing yield is no longer the biggest priority for a mother and son farming partnership in Essex
30 July 2019
One Somerset farmer wants to run his business with his head, not his heart.
15 January 2019
Welsh farmers have the opportunity to join a local group of like-minded farmers confidentially discussing the physical and financial challenges they face.
7 December 2018
Taking pride in what you do and working together to drive the industry forward were the key messages to dairy farmers at this year’s Scottish Dairy Hub debate which took place at AgriScot last week.
20 June 2018
“As a farmer it’s very easy to stand back but you need to be challenged”