Contents tagged with environment

27 January 2023

Series of webinars sharing the most recent research findings investigating methods to reduce emissions from livestock agriculture and how to apply this directly to farm

28 March 2023

On Monday 5th September Defra announced the successful projects that will receive funding through the Landscape Recovery scheme. The 22 projects are across England and aim to restore rivers, and protect species and habitats. T

28 March 2023

This article explores the developments in Scottish agricultural policy.

28 March 2023

The first ever Welsh Agriculture Bill is presented before the Welsh Parliament, plus speculation around English policy.

22 May 2024

An early version of the Local Nature Recovery Scheme will be available for a limited number of farmers and land managers from 2023, with the wider rollout expected at the end of 2024.

9 June 2022

What you need to know about the SFI.

14 April 2022

The Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) is part of the Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMS), currently being rolled out in England.

13 April 2022

New research shows SFI will fall short of replacing direct payments

12 April 2022

Webinar looking at the economic impact of taking part in the SFI and how you can prepare for these policy changes

11 May 2022

Webinar looking at the economic impact of taking part in the SFI and how you can prepare for these policy changes

30 March 2022

Defra have announced a package of support for farmers ahead of the coming growing season which includes further guidance on the Sustainable Farming Incentive.

14 December 2023

Find out how to have your say on the future of the dairy industry.
