Contents tagged with sheep

6 December 2021

Modelling growth curves and GxE in beef cattle and sheep using random regression models

28 September 2023

Lameness is a considerable animal welfare and economic challenge to the sheep sector (FAWC 2011).

28 September 2023

Abortion vaccines in sheep.

28 September 2023

Pasteurellosis vaccines in sheep.

28 September 2023

Clostridial vaccines in sheep.

10 June 2024

Find out about the use of vaccines in sheep.

18 November 2022

Vaccine use in the beef and sheep sector

28 September 2023

Vaccine uptake in the beef and sheep sector

17 November 2020

The final report from the Sheep Health and Welfare Group (SHAWG) provides a wide ranging summary of facts and figures relating to the UK sheep industry. The report aims to encourage the identification and collection of additional data, particularly in relation to sheep industry priorities identified by SHAWG.

28 October 2020

Find out how the use of EID can aid decision making on farm to improve performance

8 October 2020

With the grazing of fodder beet in-situ becoming ever more popular across the UK, join Dr Jim Gibbs - fodder beet grazing specialist from New Zealand and Marc Jones – Independent grazing and forage consultant, for a series of specialist webinars aimed at maximising both livestock and fodder beet performance on farm.

4 August 2020

To fill the void left by the cancellation of the popular NSA Sheep Event 2020, NSA is now excited to bring members, supporters and other interested parties an interactive series of two-day virtual events starting this August.
