Contents tagged with China

8 December 2022

Chinese imports of pig meat (excluding offal) for Q3 totalled 412,100 tonnes, an increase of 25,300 tonnes (6.5%) on Q2.

8 September 2022

The Far East has remained an important destination for UK red meat exports during the first half of the year, adding significant value to the UK red meat sector

27 March 2023

Join our international pig club to learn about pig production and the pork market in China

20 February 2024

China’s dairy imports in the first five months of 2022 are down by 18% from the record high volumes seen in the same period last year.

20 February 2024

China’s demand for dairy products plays a pivotal role in setting the price direction on global dairy markets. What can we expect from them in 2022?

20 February 2024

Chinese demand influences the global dairy markets, and demand for powder imports saw an uplift in the first quarter of this year.

10 December 2021

Western-style dishes took on the culinary delights of China this week at a special AHDB tasting event in Shanghai.

13 July 2021

Chinese imports of pig meat (including offal) once again broke records last year.

12 July 2024

We take a look at how German pork trade has been affected following the confirmation of ASF in its wild boar herd in September.

14 July 2021

Chinese imports of beef have recorded impressive growth this year.

13 July 2021

A document recently released by the Chinese Government highlights their ambitions for food security in livestock sectors.
