Horizon blog

In this Horizon blog series, AHDB experts take a look at the opportunities and challenges to agricultural policy following Brexit. They will explore and analyse the impact on different sectors and their supply chains. Check back regularly to see when new blogs are added. 


Insight on the SFI from Janet Hughes

Thursday, 14 July 2022

Defra's Director of Future Farming and Countryside Janet Hughes discusses the approach Defra is taking to the Sustainable Farming Incentive scheme.

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Image of staff member Janet Hughes

Janet Hughes

Director of Future Farming and Countryside at Defra

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Can profitability and sustainability work in harmony in the SFI?

Thursday, 9 June 2022

Amandeep Kaur Purewal, Senior Analyst  Policy, looks at profitability, sustainability and the Sustainable Farming Incentive.

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Image of staff member Amandeep Kaur Purewal

Amandeep Kaur Purewal

Senior Economist

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Defra’s difficult balancing act

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Sarah Baker, AHDB Economic Strategist, looks at the challenges currently facing Defra. 

Co-authored by Jo Cave, Senior Media & PR Manager.

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Image of staff member Sarah Baker

Sarah Baker

Head of Economics - Analysis

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Ukraine war brings UK food security to forefront

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Analyst Jess Corsair takes a closer look at the UK’s food security.

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Image of staff member Jess Corsair

Jess Corsair

Senior Economist

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Independent evidence, insight and analysis – AHDB working for levy payers at Westminster

Monday, 28 February 2022

Sarah Baker, AHDB Economic Strategist, examines AHDB's work in Westminster.

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Image of staff member Sarah Baker

Sarah Baker

Head of Economics - Analysis

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Could human rights rather than animal welfare be a sticking point in UK-India trade deal?

Thursday, 13 January 2022

Our senior analyst Amandeep Kaur Purewal discusses the politics around any potential UK-India trade deal.

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Image of staff member Amandeep Kaur Purewal

Amandeep Kaur Purewal

Senior Economist

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What do the new environmental schemes mean for English farming?

Thursday, 6 January 2022

New environmental schemes have been announced by Secretary of State for the Environment George Eustice. Our trade and policy analyst Jess Corsair looks behind the headlines to examine what the new schemes may mean for farming in England.

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Image of staff member Jess Corsair

Jess Corsair

Senior Economist

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Shape the Future

Thursday, 9 December 2021

Find out about our newly launched campaign, Shape the Future, and how you can register to have your say. Our CEO Tim Rycroft tells you more. 

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Image of staff member Tim Rycroft

Tim Rycroft

Chief Executive Officer

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Gulf deal could profit UK meat and dairy but politics a potential pitfall

Wednesday, 8 December 2021

AHDB's Economic Strategist Sarah Baker looks at the future opportunities and potential impact following the various trade negotiations that the UK government has recently had.

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Image of staff member Sarah Baker

Sarah Baker

Head of Economics - Analysis

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Environment Act 2021 – How does it impact farmers?

Monday, 6 December 2021

In this blog, our head of environment Jon Foot looks at what's new in the Act, how it will impact on farmers and crucially what people can do about it.

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Demystifying the data – the story behind the International Agri-Food Trade Network Model

Friday, 5 November 2021

In this guest blog, Dr Daniel May, Lead Researcher and Analyst from Harper Adams University, tells the story behind a new model to predict the impacts of new and potential trade agreements on UK agriculture, supply chains and the economy.

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Image of staff member Daniel May

Daniel May

AHDB guest blogger and senior lecturer in Applied Farm and Rural Economics at Harper Adams University

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Time to focus on the factors in my control

Friday, 5 November 2021

Beef and lamb board member James Taylor reveals his thoughts on how farmers and wider industry can take control and face up to the significant challenges posed by the current political and social operating environment.

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Image of staff member James Taylor

James Taylor

Head of Farm Assurance

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What will a trade deal with New Zealand mean for UK agriculture?

Thursday, 21 October 2021

Our head of strategic insight David Swales explores how New Zealand’s agricultural production and trade stacks up and discusses the implications for our UK farming sectors.

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Image of staff member David Swales

David Swales

Head of Economics and Analysis Operations (Livestock)

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Do consumers trust imported food products?

Wednesday, 6 October 2021

Consumer Insight analyst, Rachel Rose, takes a look at just what Brits think about imported food products against the backdrop of trade negotiations with Australia and the US.

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Future UK trade deals and their potential impact on food standards

Friday, 29 July 2021

AHDB's senior policy analyst Tom Forshaw looks at the contentious issue of food standards in future trade deals and why media attention might be focusing on the wrong things.

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Image of staff member Tom Forshaw

Tom Forshaw

Senior Analyst - Policy

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What CAP reform means for EU farmers

Friday, 23 July 2021

The UK may have left the EU at the start of 2020 but, as our main trading partner, matters there are still important for UK agriculture. 

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UK and US suspend trade dispute

Friday, 25 June 2021

Following the announement that an agreement has been reached between the UK and the US to temporarily suspend the tariffs imposed as a result of the Airbus-Boeing dispute, International Market Development Director Dr Phil Hadley shares his views about what this means for UK food and farming.

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How does farming achieve net zero?

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

AHDB’s Head of Environment, Dr Jonathan Foot addressed the Westminster Food and Nutrition Forum this morning (23 June 2021) to outline how the UK’s agriculture sector can help deliver the changes required to land use and reach the Government’s target of net-zero emissions by 2050.

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Time to focus on the future

Friday, 18 June 2021

With BPS applications fresh in our minds, AHDB's Steve Dunkley talks about why it is a stark reminder to farmers and growers in England that change is upon us and what action people can take.

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The UK-Australia free trade deal – just how is it significant for UK agriculture?

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Following the run up to the UK-Australia trade deal, AHDB’s David Swales looks beyond the rhetoric, exploring the potential significance of the recent announcement, as well as its potential impact.

Image of staff member David Swales

David Swales

Head of Economics and Analysis Operations (Livestock)

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Exploring the reality of EU exit for meat traders

Thursday, 3 June 2021

In the first edition of our rebooted trade and policy blog, AHDB’s Tania Gesto-Casás discusses the experience and learnings of meat exporters from different European countries so far since launching into our new trading relationship.

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Explore our previous blog series: EU Exit Perspectives
