
18 March 2024

British red meat and dairy have been making their mark in Singapore with the help of the executive chef from two-Michelin star restaurant JAAN.

12 March 2024

We have appointed two new members to our export team, underlining our commitment to focusing on international trade development.

7 March 2024

Eight businesses joined us at FoodEx to help promote British red meat and grow exports.

5 March 2024

Later this month, red meat businesses from the UK will be heading to the Annual Meat Conference in the USA as part of a key visit to help grow British pork, beef and lamb exports.

20 March 2024

Ouafa Doxon, AHDB Senior Market Access Manager, reveals plans for a new export knowledge hub.

23 February 2024

In 2023, red meat exports from the UK were worth £1.7 billion, largely driven by strong demand for UK lamb on international markets.

21 February 2024

One of the world’s largest food and drink trade shows has provided the platform to showcase high-quality beef, lamb and dairy from the UK.

15 April 2024

Calling all exporters: Tell us what guidance you need.

27 February 2024

A webinar hosted by the BPA and AHDB to help small-scale pig keepers understand the implications of veterinary attestation numbers

31 January 2024

British pig meat exporters have taken the first steps towards maximising new opportunities in California following the introduction of new legislation.

10 January 2024

British pork exporters are set to benefit from additional trade with Mexico with the market opening further to include offal with a potential estimated value of £18m over the next five years.

20 November 2023

We work to increase access to new overseas markets and opportunities for UK producers.
