
4 October 2018

All staff tagging piglets should have read the associated risk assessment and method statement (RAMS).

7 June 2024

All our resources on identifying and stopping the spread of African Swine Fever

18 September 2018

The latest £2.5 million phase of the AHDB ‘Pick Pork’ advertising campaign will hit TV screens from Monday (17 September).

22 September 2023

Find information on arable rotation in livestock – forage crops, cover crops and more.

7 November 2022

Patrick Loten

28 November 2023

The conserved forage requirements and stocks calculator can be used to calculate feed demand by entering livestock numbers and available feed supply.

22 August 2018

Eight pig producers from across Europe have won international awards for their innovation in pig production.

21 August 2018

Opportunities for exporting pork to Mexico will be explored when the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) arrives in the country next month.

12 December 2023

Some of the alternative bedding materials mentioned here can be used in conjunction with traditional cereal straw, either to replace it or offset the increased cost and allow straw-bedding supplies to go further

13 August 2018

Ventilation systems can improve living conditions. An efficient ventilation system draws fresh air in and removes stale air along with microbes, dust, harmful gases and water vapour. Inefficient ventilation is detrimental to pig and staff performance (particularly on hot days) and costs more to run

16 July 2020

With potentially increasing feed costs, it may become more profitable to finish pigs at a lower slaughter weight. Use this information to find out how to go about this.

21 May 2024

Find out how alternative feeds, such as root and forage crops and some food industry co-products, can be incorporated into pig diets.
