
22 March 2024

Maintaining good soil health may help you avoid costly capital investments.

22 March 2024

Learn about the environmental considerations associated with field drainage.

22 March 2024

Learn how to match your drainage investment to your cropping system.

22 March 2024

Discover how to spot poor drainage before it becomes harder to manage.

22 March 2024

Learn how to read or create your own drainage plan.

22 March 2024

Learn about the potential benefits of field drainage and installation costs.

25 January 2024

Join us as we partner with the Yorkshire Agricultural Society for a discussion will explore innovative approaches to farming that align with agroecology principles and system-based decision making.

30 November 2023

Join this online broadcast with Sean Cameron to learn about soil preservation techniques and carbon capture in agriculture.

3 November 2023

At a time when sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship are vital, improving the nutrient use efficiency (NUE) of organic manures is a crucial goal.

14 February 2024

Join us for a farm meeting at Strathmiglo, where the topic of the day will be farmyard manure (FYM).

14 November 2023

How an AHDB monitor farmer used scorecards to change the farm’s cropping strategy.

10 November 2023

Join us for the next Wainfleet Monitor Farm Meeting
