
11 March 2020

Training: Stockperson Development Scheme, Central

13 March 2020

A practical QuarterPRO workshop to help you identify and treat patterns of mastitis in your herd.

12 March 2020

A practical QuarterPRO workshop to help you identify and treat patterns of mastitis in your herd.

20 October 2023

Factors to consider when selecting a variety and preparing a seedbed.

11 February 2020

Our regular newsletter featuring articles on mastitis, strategic farms, new breeding tools, dairy marketing and more.

13 September 2024

Guidance on the rules and regulations around water use on your farm

5 May 2020

Grow alone or in a mixture? Find out what your options are for growing lucerne.

5 March 2024

Guidance on how to manage waste water and field drainage

20 November 2020

Every time an antibiotic is used, there is a risk that it will increase the number of bacteria resistant to that antibiotic. This means that these antibiotics will stop becoming effective for treating infections in people and animals. Responsible antibiotic use on beef cattle, alongside measures to prevent disease, is therefore vital to help preserve these life-saving medicines.

10 February 2020

Our new study examines how fertility is associated with a range of traits

9 April 2024

This booklet provides an accurate, easy-to-use reference guide on all available anti-parasitic products in their various chemical groups and summarises the parasites they have been licensed to control.

21 March 2024

Improving animal performance and reducing physical losses are key to ensuring sheep farming is profitable. This manual takes into account various factors, including the sheep farming system, ewe body condition, nutrition, health planning and management with the aim of reducing lamb losses
