
5 March 2020

A guide to describe how to collect milk samples aseptically to get accurate diagnosis of bacteria and avoid contamination.

4 March 2020

This manual aims to help you understand the issues that could improve your breeding ewes, and the overall financial performance of your sheep system.

4 March 2020

There is more data being collected on sheep farms than ever before, but we need to make sure it is being used effectively

4 March 2020

Achieving a large, healthy lamb crop is just a starting point, not an end. Only when lambs have been delivered to our chosen market at optimum prices can we realise better returns

4 March 2020

Respiratory disease of cattle (more commonly known as pneumonia), is one of the most significant diseases affecting English beef production. This checklist provides guidance on identifying problem areas.

4 March 2020

Disease conditions recorded at post-mortem inspection often lead to financial loss of the carcase value

4 March 2020

Over the last 20 years, more than 10,000 lambs have been scanned using Computed Tomography (CT).

4 March 2020

Celebrating ten years of support for genetic improvement from the Better Returns Programme

4 March 2020

With so much effort going into producing high quality breeding stock, it is a pity not to maximise returns by poor or non-existent marketing. I hope this publication will help breeders reap the true value of their livestock when they are sold.

22 February 2024

Selling rams is what sheep breeding is all about. However, to ensure future success breeders need to produce rams that producers want to buy again and again.

4 March 2020

Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) are now available to beef producers for carcase traits derived from abattoir data.

4 March 2020

This checklist aims to provide a structured approach to assess a calf rearing system.
