
11 March 2020

Lancashire Pig Discussion Group: AHDB health and welfare update

4 January 2019

Guidance about using alternative treatments from our Healthy Feet Programme to manage lameness and reduce antibiotic use in your herd.

14 December 2023

New joint project important step towards sustainability framework for British beef and lamb

6 November 2018

Many of the current intensive livestock production systems require the provision of a controlled environment for housed stock. This handbook covers some of the fundamental principles involved in controlled environment. Some practical systems and equipment are illustrated and design examples are given in the appendices.

26 October 2018

Dairy farmers in Wales are being invited to apply for financial and technical support to improve herd health management and disease control, as part of the Dairy Improvement Programme.

8 October 2018

Two farmer representatives from England and one from Wales are sought for a sheep industry group to help shape the focus of the UK sheep industry.

17 October 2018

Bedding has a significant bearing on animal health and welfare. The bedding materials directory provides a summary of the different materials that can be used in cattle and sheep housing.

5 November 2018

The R&D Review is a summary of some of the work the Beef & Lamb sector is carrying out on behalf of levy payers to help their businesses become more efficient and sustainable.

12 July 2024

All our resources on identifying and stopping the spread of African Swine Fever

17 August 2018

Despite additional hectares of straw being made available by cereal growers, there is still likely to be a shortage due to lower yields and an increased requirement for feeding. This factsheet explains the importance of assessing your straw needs and planning for any deficit.

12 December 2023

Some of the alternative bedding materials mentioned here can be used in conjunction with traditional cereal straw, either to replace it or offset the increased cost and allow straw-bedding supplies to go further

16 February 2024

Feed makes up ~76% of variable and ~56% of total costs. It may be possible to decrease the cost by switching to a cheaper ration or purchasing in larger quantities, but it can also be achieved through simple, practical actions to minimise feed wastage and to improve the efficiency of utilisation
