
8 October 2018

Two farmer representatives from England and one from Wales are sought for a sheep industry group to help shape the focus of the UK sheep industry.

17 October 2018

Bedding has a significant bearing on animal health and welfare. The bedding materials directory provides a summary of the different materials that can be used in cattle and sheep housing.

5 November 2018

The R&D Review is a summary of some of the work the Beef & Lamb sector is carrying out on behalf of levy payers to help their businesses become more efficient and sustainable.

2 November 2018

Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) or pneumonia is the most common reason for death and poor performance in young cattle and costs the UK cattle industry an estimated £50 million a year. This booklet gives an overview of how to recognise, test and treat BRD

27 February 2024

Diseases in sheep and cattle have made the headlines many times over the last few years. The impact of a disease can range from an annoying setback in production to a devastating infection leading to widespread culling of the flock. What is certain, however, is that every disease has an impact on returns

5 November 2021

Diseases in the UK cattle industry account for huge losses and are a major welfare concern. This publication highlights some of the major conditions affecting the beef industry. It provides insight into the main symptoms and risk factors, alongside the most effective prevention and treatment protocols

7 June 2024

All our resources on identifying and stopping the spread of African Swine Fever

17 August 2018

Despite additional hectares of straw being made available by cereal growers, there is still likely to be a shortage due to lower yields and an increased requirement for feeding. This factsheet explains the importance of assessing your straw needs and planning for any deficit.

13 August 2018

Ventilation systems can improve living conditions. An efficient ventilation system draws fresh air in and removes stale air along with microbes, dust, harmful gases and water vapour. Inefficient ventilation is detrimental to pig and staff performance (particularly on hot days) and costs more to run

16 February 2024

Feed makes up ~76% of variable and ~56% of total costs. It may be possible to decrease the cost by switching to a cheaper ration or purchasing in larger quantities, but it can also be achieved through simple, practical actions to minimise feed wastage and to improve the efficiency of utilisation

13 August 2018

Piglets need warmth after birth as energy reserves to produce body heat are limited. They are also born with no immunity so need colostrum soon after birth a min 100ml per kg of birthweight within 16 hours is crucial to provide the energy, nutrients and antibodies to survive

30 March 2022

Use this information to improve, or start, recording feed conversion ratios in all stages of production to help with decision-making.
