
27 February 2020

Midlands pig club: Come along to find out what Defra's updated welfare code means for you

24 September 2019

Characteristics of breeds and current consumer demands

17 September 2019

Characteristics of breeds and consumer demands

21 June 2024

Our bull selection manual explains what to look for when selecting a bull for breeding, including how to use genetics and EBVs, and judging if a bull is fit to work.

24 April 2024

The tables below provide information on the different nutrients and vitamins needed in feed, for livestock to thrive.

3 March 2022

There are essential vitamins and minerals required to support productivity in livestock production. Issues can occur with imbalances, deficiencies or toxicity. It is important to understand how the different elements interact with each other, the clinical signs and management options to resolve the problem.

11 August 2023

This notebook provides you with best practice calf-rearing information. It will also help you to keep a record of calf performance (colostrum intake, liveweights, calf losses).

16 August 2019

Haulier questionnaire: We would like to get a feel for the standard of lorry washing facilities at markets and abattoirs across England.

19 September 2019

Characteristics of breeds

16 September 2019

Optimising performance through nutrition

10 October 2019

A meeting for small-scale pig keepers to find out about disease surveillance and the symptoms of different diseases

9 October 2019

A meeting for small-scale pig keepers to find out about disease surveillance and the symptoms of different diseases
